Looking For Midwestern Electronic Experimental Bands, Blogs…

Binary Partners Joe Wallace ThereminPaisley Babylon is plotting a little in-store tour of the midwest for 2015 and I’ve only just started assembling a press list and looking for like-minded performers to partner with in places like Ann Arbor Michigan, Toledo Ohio, Indianapolis, Springfield Missouri, St. Louis, and places all up and down the Bible Belt…(does anyone still call it that?)

It has NOT been easy to assemble a press list. Paisley Babylon is nothing if not weird and my electronic forays into outer space are not made alone–my fellow space travelrs are out there, I know they are.

But getting us to a rendezvous point is another challenge entirely.

If you are playing experimental, weird, left-of-center music or making ambient soundscapes, strange journeys off into the outer darkness, I would love to hear from you in any capacity. You can reach me at


That goes double for people running experimental music blogs, ambient music blogs, and related projects. I am very keen on promoting these projects as they bring news of this type of music that otherwise just gets overlooked. Forever. Sadly.

If you run a music blog that caters to experimental electronic music, ambient sounds, and the artists that create them, please get in touch as I’m starting a Resources section here that will prominently feature links to these blogs and those who cover these genres.

Back to the research…I have to get this press list compiled before the caffeine wears off.

–Joe Wallace


Paisley Babylon and Binary Partners Show At StudioLab, Bridgeport Chicago Oct 17 2014

BIG thanks to all who came to see the three-theremin spectacle that was last night’s Paisley Babylon performance. I did the opening set as Paisley Babylon and then stayed on stage as half of Binary Partners. It was a very good night indeed and it was nearly two full hours of unusual, hallucinatory entertainment that would have pleased Timothy Leary, William Burroughs, and probably Stephen Stapleton.

Here are some images from the show, there was a full recording of both performances and that will become available at some point. Stay tuned for details.

–Joe Wallace

Binary Partners Theremin Electronic experimental Joe Wallace Binary Partners Joe Wallace Theremin Joe Wallace and Theremin

Ezzy Trujillo Binary Partners Joe Wallace ElectroHarmonixRavishSitar Joe Wallace Korg MicroKorg Joe Wallace mutated theremin Joe Wallace Theremin playing

Theremin Babylon! Live Paisley Babylon Three-Theremin Performance Tonight At StudioLab

Tonight, Friday October 17 2014, Paisley Babylon does a three-theremin performance at StudioLab, located in Chicago’s Bridgeport Art Center 1200 W. 35th Street Chicago Illinois 60609. StudioLab is on the 5th floor of the art center, take the elevator to the 5th floor and follow your ears.

There will be free wine and beer while supplies last. This performance is part of the Bridgeport Art Center Third Friday Artist open studios event. Don’t miss this!

Paisley Babylon Performs Friday October 17 2014 at Bridgeport Art Center Chicago

Moog Theremini Korg Volca Joe WallaceThis Friday, October 17 2014, Paisley Babylon does an opening set for Binary Partners. Both acts perform live at the Bridgeport Art Center in StudioLab,  on the 5th floor of the art center. The StudioLab space is located in the Fashion Design Center so follow all signs to that and you’ll find the show easily.

Paisley Babylon will play with not one, not two, but THREE theremins going live at once, plus Volca boxes and a turntable. This is going to be a highly unusual show!

Binary Partners (also featuring Paisley Babylon’s Joe Wallace) will do a set featuring analog electronics and a LOT of video display insanity–barrage edited video installations that will mesmerize you as you notice the unplanned (and very creepy) video synch with the music..

Join us Friday October 17 2014 at the Bridgeport Art Center, 5th floor. It’s at 1200  W. 35th Street in Chicago. Paisley Babylon begins promptly at 7:30. Free wine and beer while supplies last.


Paisley Babylon Booking

Paisley Babylon Brian Eno ambient experimental as loud as possibleI’m aggressively booking gigs for Paisley Babylon again…it’s time to unleash the power of not one, not two, but THREE theremins, all run through an insane maze of stompboxes, echo machines, and loopers upon the world.

Did I mention the video display that accompanies the music? A fast-paced visual journey through the wasteland of exploitation cinema, Italian giallos, and ancient, crumbling go-go dancing film footage.

Paisley Babylon is at times surreal, sexy, psychedelic, sinister, dreamlike, ethereal, floating, and menacing. Think of a one-man version of the Legendary Pink Dots but with stage directions whispered by the ghosts of Hunter S. Thompson and William Burroughs.

Behold the trippy strangeness that awaits you at a Paisley Babylon show–samples below. PB wrapped up the summer of 2014 by playing a packed house at Comfort Station, providing the unusual soundtrack to a Russian silent film called Aelita, Queen of Mars. Now restless and looking for more on-the-road kicks, Paisley Babylon wants to play a record store, unsuspecting coffee house, art gallery or more traditional venue near you.

Contact me to book this multi-media experience by e-mail: jwallace242@gmail.com


Adventures in Stereo