The image above is part of the cover art for the Turntabling.net limited edition promo CD, 13 Unusual Tracks. Paisley Babylon is prominently featured on this free promo CD, which will be given away at the Turntabling Booth at the HorrorHound Weekend in Cincinnati this weekeend (November 20-22).
Joe Wallace, the warped mind behind Paisley Babylon and Turntabling.net, will be running the Turntabling booth at the show and giving away the CDs. There’s quite a buzz about this limited-edition promo disc and the last batch of them went so fast we could hardly keep track of them flying off the table.
Get to HorrorHound early and be sure to grab your copy of the Turntabling Records promo CD, 13 Unusual Tracks. You can get times, directions and a list of featured celebrities scheduled to appear at this year’s show.
Alas, Paisley Babylon will not be PERFORMING, but the discs will make up for that, we hope. Maybe next year–especially if you ask the people at the door if Paisley is playing at the fest. Not that we’d encourage that or anything…