Tag Archives: Gideon Wolf

Time Released Sound Over The Top CD Packaging

Time Released Sound over the top CD packagingThe image above is the very limited edition Gideon Wolf CD, Diagram, with packaging and distribution by Time Released Sound, which is, as the official site decribes, “a lovingly hand made, limited edition release music label that is as much an art project as it is a musical outlet.”

This is fantastic! A huge inspiration to me here, I’m going to try my hand at something in the same spirit with Paisley Babylon,  but naturally more darkly funny and slightly menacing. This record label is an outstanding concept and has really kicked me in the pants to continue some ideas I had toyed with in 2008 with unique packaging of CDs (to resemble LP packaging instead).

Bravo to some outstanding music packaging ideas well thought out and fully realized…you owe yourself a look at these.

–Joe Wallace