All posts by paisleyb

Andy Warhol Eats a Burger King Hamburger

Now THIS is some serious retro video. Andy Warhol typified so much of every decade he was active in, from the 60s to the 80s. Warhol is one of those public figures that fascinates even as you wonder what the big deal was all about- a combination of sophistication and blinding simplicity.

The greatest thing about this clip is the complete lack of a statement, which in itself is taking a philosophical position. Warhol said of “static” films like these that when you see a famous person you want to “eat them up” and stare at them for a long time. Film studies like these are Warhol’s way of boiling film down to that sort of raw experience.

Retro Drive In Movie Trailer: They Came From Within

I love retro drive-in culture. Especially grindhouse trailers. Here’s one in that classic 70s tradition for They Came From Within, which is actually pretty good. Sometimes the trailer is the ONLY entertaining thing about drive-in grindhouse flicks, but this time that is DEFINITELY not true. This is the first of many many 70s drive-in trailer posts, to be sure.

Hit 65 Retro Album Cover

Hit 65 retro album cover

This most excellently retro album cover from 1965 comes courtesy of the delightful LP Cover Lover, which is a favorite of mine. One of the awesome things about this particular look is the “future now” vibe. I’m a sucker for those squeaky-clean whites and the rounded corners that let you know this girl just might have arrived from a space ship or time machine a few minutes ago.

We have the space race to thank for a lot of that futurist design and fashion, methinks…and I’m soooo glad it happened. Where would be we today if not for Sputnik, JFK’s moon landing ambitions, and UFO hysteria?

60s Retro Television: Groovy Milk

Adventures in Retro isn’t just a catchy slogan round here…I’m a huge fan of culture artifacts from the 60s through 90s…including this deliciously cornball commercial from the America Dairy Association. Look at this stuff–the design, the music, that eye makeup! We laugh at this stuff now, but it was cutting edge in its own time, miles and miles away from viral marketing and social media. This is the first of many, many trips back in time here….

DJ Paisley Babylon Mix: After The Punks Have Gone


This mix is another type of retro altogether. I’m a big fan of post-punk and bands that started out punk but moved on to more interesting things after the novelty wore off. Nothing wrong with punk at all, but the bands that continued to evolve and mutate were by far the most interesting. Hence the inclusion those dreaded New Romantics, early electro/industrial AND post-punk acts in this mix, which features Fad Gadget, Front 242, Polyrock, PiL, Front 242, Blondie, even some Cramps thrown in for good measure.

This collection of retro tracks isn’t nearly obscure enough for me, but these songs are fun and most of them are instantly recognizable. You could have a nice little living room dance party going with this mix, especially if you’ve got a good supply of adult beverages available. Take a listen to AFTER THE PUNKS ARE GONE.

This mix is here to promote my DJ work and the artists themselves, but copyright holders should get in touch if there’s an issue. If you like these sounds and want to discuss a booking, please feel free to get in touch by e-mail: jwallace (at) turntabling (dot) net or call (312) 504-1264.