Tag Archives: gothic compilations

Paisley Babylon Curating New Compilation

DARK MUSIC FOR MIDNIGHT DRIVING ALBUM COVER2smallerThat image above is the cover for a new compilation of dark music that, as the name of the album implies, is perfect for late night driving. Paisley Babylon occasionally releases music via a German distributor called Feiyr, and this service now allows its artist to create compilations for release to Amazon, iTunes, etc. This is Paisley Babylon’s first foray into Feiyr’s world of compilation curation and it’s going to be quite exciting to see what happens here. Stay tuned for details, the album isn’t finished yet, but it’s well on the way!

The tracks on the compilation range from Dark Wave to Gothic Ethereal and other doomy electronica. There’s a great cross-section of moody sounds represented here…we’ll keep you posted once the compilation is available for sale.