Today is Saturday, a no-rest-for-the-wicked day for me. I’ve got flyering to do for the PB show at Transistor. Every time I have to do flyers I always remember the stories told in the most excellent tour diary/Hell’s travelogue GET IN THE VAN by Henry Rollins. (That’s the second time I’ve named-dropped him here since this blog started. People will begin to talk.)
The stories of putting up show flyers or posters using flour-and-water paste so strong the flyers simply could…not…be…removed cracked me up. If you try that in Chicago today, chances are you’d get shot. Or tazed.
And that’s another thing. I bought that new(ish) DEVO album, Something For Everybody and was listening to it a lot during the Vinyl Road Rage trip I took for Turntabling.net. Not knowing the album at all, when I heard DEVO sing the word “Bro” I thought they had lost their damn minds. That word has massive frat boy connotations, I just couldn’t believe it. Then I discovered DEVO was riffing on that “Don’t taze me bro” incident and it all made sense. But for about 45 seconds I was ready to hurl.